About Us
The owner and Contractor of Noswell Construction is Douglas Stern.
Originally from southern California, Doug graduated with his BA degree from UC Santa Barbara in 1984. After graduation, he worked in Santa Barbara with St. George Construction learning the business from bottom to top, grunt to foreman, foundations to roof. Doug moved to CR full-time in 1987. He has been married for over 25 years to a beautiful Costa Rican woman, Gisselle, and has 2 children, Dylan and Sabrina.
Details of our services
- Services provided
- Quality materials
- Sustainable & Eco-Friendly building
- Our employees
- Warranties
Our company promises high quality, responsible construction in Guanacaste for a fair price. We can include architectural design and supervision, engineering, approved constructive plans, construction permits, and total jobsite cleanup.
We offer complete and detailed construction contracts; cost-plus contracts; or salaried project management contracts, whichever the customer feels most comfortable with. Interior decorating and exterior landscaping services are also available.
We use only the highest quality construction materials available, purchased through our extensive network of tried and proven suppliers. With many years of Guanacaste building experience under our belts we have weeded out the weak links and preserved continued and valuable relationships with the best suppliers available. The tropical elements here on the coast can be especially tough on structures, but we have had extensive experience and education finding and correctly utilizing the best products.
Our company likes to integrate sustainable building practices and eco-friendly features and design elements into our projects. We use many locally produced materials from here in the Guanacaste or neighboring Puntarenas province such as cement, sand, rock, concrete blocks, all woods, terra cotta and other roof tiles, fascia stones, … This helps support local businesses as well as reduces our transportation footprint. Nicaragua can also be a good source for many finish products as it is also close to home and they produce many interesting and quality products at reasonable prices.
Noswell Construction employs reliable, honest, hardworking laborers, well-trained and local to our area. We have always believed in training our guys from the inside, often starting as manual laborers and eventually working their way up to assistants and then to the higher responsibility and higher paid skilled positions.
Many of our employees have been with us for 15-20 years or more. Clients often make friends with our crews during the construction and often throw them a thank you party or bring gifts after the project’s completion to show their appreciation for a job well done. This always helps foreigners feel the true warmth, humility, and friendliness of the local “Guanacastecos”, and builds strong bonds to the local community. Social Security Insurance and Workmen’s Compensation Insurance is always covered for all our employees to protect workers, client and builder from any possible mishaps or future liabilities. With all their legal employment benefits covered, keeping our workers proud and secure in their jobs assures a high quality, timely finish to every project we complete.
We are extremely proud that so many of our employees have been with us for so many years, proving our loyalties and giving our crews a very consistent,supportive, and familiar workplace.
Noswell Construction always includes contractual warranties on our projects. Rest assured that, unlike many outside builders, we will always be in your neighborhood and available to respond to any issues that may arise after completion of the project. We do all we can during the construction to eliminate any call backs later, but we are willing and available to help and make things right when necessary. After all, we hope to be your neighbors for a long time to come.
We proudly support community initiatives and businesses as a member of our local Nandamojo Valley Chamber of Commerce.